Monday, December 20, 2010


Kyenjojo District NGOs/CBOs Forum would like to wish the staff, Executive Board, Member organisations, Development partners and the Entire community in Kyenjojo a wonderful festive season and a prosperous 2011.

We have enjoyed working with you throughout 2010, we are grateful for all the support  received from you.

Best wishes by
Kyomuhendo Joselyne
Head of Programs

Friday, December 17, 2010

Parents have been advised to look after their children

Parents of Kasamba village Bugaaki Sub county have been advised to look after their children especially those under 10 years. This was done during the Community Sensitization meeting.

Field officer


Provide a brief summary of the human rights problem(s) the project is out to address in the area of implementation.  Also the project intervention making reference to the general effect of the project activities on objectives as implementation progresses, to mention target population, geographical location and major strategies.

men have advised to share household activities with their wives

Men of Kasule sub county have been advised to share household responsibilities with their wives as away of fighting domestic violence.This call was made during one sensitization meeting conducted by Kyenjojo NGOs and CBOs forum. The meeting was organized under theme: enhancing community development through preventing domestic violence at household. During the meeting the men promised to comply with their wives in ensuring that the roles at household are shared,this is test story for learning how to update the blog

Wednesday, November 24, 2010


1.0          Back ground:

This is a progressive report covering three months since the last Executive board meeting of 25th June 2010. This report covers the operations of Kyenjojo NGO Forum in regard to the planned activities, outputs, challenges encountered, conclusion and plans ahead.

2.0          Planned Activities

·        Monitoring of Women and child rights Activists
·        Conducting radio talk shows
·        Jointly conducting the Rwenzori civil society fair 2010 
·        Conducting a District dialogue meeting in Kyegegwa
·        Upgrading the Kyenjojo NGO Forum website
·        Creating a data base for Kyenjojo NGO Forum
·        Conducting sub county based Women and child Rights Advocacy meetings
·        Conducting staff meetings
·        Conducting quarterly executive Board meeting
·        Visitation and back up support to Member organizations
·        Carrying out a Civil Society survey exercise
·        Conducting an annual Audit exercise of the Forum January 2009-December 2009.
·        Hosting the NDNSP  learning  and Best practice committee meeting
·        Joint monitoring of Activists with IDF
·        Registration of the Forum with the  National NGO Board
·        Incorporation of the Forum as a company Limited by Guarantee   

3.0          Outputs

·        An annual Audit exercise for the Forum was carried out and a report shared with the Board members.
·        Weekly staff meetings conducted.
·        An eight paged newsletter for the organization produced.
·        Quarterly Monitoring of Women and Child rights Activists in the four sub counties conducted
·         Kyenjojo NGO Forum file submitted to the National NGO Board for registration and given 30th November 2010 as a check date.
·        Conducted four radio talk shows, one radio show under Women and Child Rights Activists and three radio talk shows on the Rwenzori Civil Society Fair
·        Held a monitoring exercise of Activists in Hapuuyo Sub County with IDF staff on 15th September 2010.
·        Hosted the NDNSP learning and Best practice committee meeting where (Kamu Kamu Women Group, TDF-UG, Kyenjojo Motorcycle) one Board member from Misandika Bakyara Tweyimukye Group and staff members of the Forum attended.
·         A survey exercise for CSOs operating in the former Kyenjojo District carried out and on going with data entry currently.
·        Jointly held the Rwenzori Civil Society Fair with RANNET where the Forum;
-printed 150 T-shirts
-Pull out stand
- Contributed to the fair magazine
-construction of Tents
-Facilitated refreshments for three planning meetings
-Facilitated three radio talk shows
-Made a presentation on the Fair to the District
  Technical planning meeting

4.0   Activities not implemented
·        Upgrading KNCF website
·        Conducting sub county Women and child rights advocacy meetings
·        Kyegegwa District dialogue meeting
·        Incorporation of the Forum as a company Limited by Guarantee

4.0   Lessons learnt
Some funds to the community members like disability grant and CDD have not been fully accessed by the members so there is need to strengthen the capacity of different CBOs to access such funds

Through the survey exercise, a number of CBOs were identified who were not registered at the District level so there is need to encourage such organizations to register at the District level

5.0   Challenges encountered
·        The Forum has experienced delay of disbursement of funds from IDF where by some activities have not been implemented according to the planned time frame.
·        Lack of facilitation for the Activists which at times lowers their morale to support communities in areas of Women and Child Rights promotion
·        Changes in policies concerning registration of NGOs as companies limited by guarantee

6.0          Recommendations

·        The Forum should double the efforts in preparing for the Annual General Meeting
·        The Forum Executive Board members should propose a company name which does not bear NGOs and CBOs.
·        Since the AGM is drawing near, there is need for the Executive Board to put a strategy for mobilizing Members for the AGM and know who exactly should be mobilized since a few members have updated their subscription.

6.0   Plans ahead

·        Conduct one District dialogue meeting in Kyenjojo and Kyegegwa
·        Mobilize for the Annual General meeting
·        Facilitate community Women and child rights sensitization meeting.
·        Conduct Radio talk shows
·        Continuous monitoring of Women and Child Rights Activists
·        Compilation of the CSOs survey exercise report
·        Follow up on registration of the Forum with the National NGO Board

Prepared by,

Kyomuhendo Joselyne
Head of programs

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Welcome to our New Website and Blog

We feel so previllaged to Inform our dear partners, members and all the benefinciaries of the forum that we now have a website and a news blog to ensure effective and efficient Information sharing.

Feel free to put in all your comments by commenting on this article on this blog or directily send an email to: It is highly important to us.

Our website is: